Monday, 18 October 2010

Lecture 1 'This Rough Magic'

This lecture was an introduction to the module and mostly talked about what we are going to learn about. Ivan showed us a few short films of early examples of special effects which where interesting and pretty funny, they looked quite good to me but this could just be because the quality of film was so poor compared to what we are used to today. This got me thinking about how good special effects have to be these days with the kind of technology that is available to film makers.

Ivan mentioned how in the film 'Children of Men' there is a scene where Clive Owen is on the street and there is an explosion behind him (shown in above image). He said that he'd noticed that the traffic on the road was CGI and that the fact that he'd recognised this meant that the illusion was broken. This meant that all the work by special effects team had been almost pointless, because the moment you recognise that something is special effects and stop believing its real means they've failed in their aim.

Screen shot: Fantastic Mr Fox,

This made me realise how realistic my models have to be in order to fool people into thinking they are real or at least suspend they're view of reality, as i did watching the film fantastic my fox. Everybody knows that the film is not the real world but after a few minutes you forget that you know that foxes can't talk and they don't have jobs and go to school. You allow yourself to be fooled and temporarily accept the film as reality.

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